Polaroid Film

My first Polaroid camera.

My first Polaroid camera.

I'll admit I jumped into Polaroids late in the game; I got my first Polaroid Spirit 600 in April 2009. You could still get the film in stores, but it was on it's way out as you find out in the documentary 'TIME ZERO' (available on Netflix), Polaroid announced that it was ceasing production of instant film in February 2008. I missed this announcement otherwise I would have stocked up.

The documentary is an excellent story of the magic of Polaroid film from its creation through discontinuation and back through efforts to keep it alive with The Impossible Project. If you have any nostalgia for Polaroids, it's a much watch movie. 

Currently, I have two Polaroid 600 cameras and am in the market for an SX-70. Word of caution I bought some expired film on eBay, and although the seller had guaranteed it would work or a refund I still got screwed over.

So now I am left getting film solely from The Impossible Project, which is expensive and in my experience can be a bit touchy as they had to complete redesign the formula. That said, I still intend to continue an experiment with Polaroid for the foreseeable future, and that's thanks to the fine folks at The Impossible Project. I'm especially excited to be able to keep a favorite feature in my home alive, my Polaroid wall. It's full of memories, always evolving, and looks visually stunning laid out in a grid, you can get an idea of some of the photos below.